Educational gatherings on the topic "Faithful youth of the motherland" continue in the places

Educational gatherings on the topic "Faithful youth of the motherland" continue in the places


Comprehensive support for young people, the formation of a solid legal framework and mechanisms to create the necessary conditions for them to master modern knowledge and skills is one of the priorities of youth policy in Uzbekistan.

As part of the systematic work with young people, the Law Enforcement Academy, in close cooperation with the territorial divisions of the prosecutor's office, conducts training camps  "Faithful youth of the motherland".

These training camps are organized on the basis of a specially developed program and provide a set of educational and practical exercises, as well as studying the problems of youth in the field.

Regular training camps in the Bektemir district of the capital with the participation of 175 youth representatives, including 88 women and girls.

The training camp program provides for a number of topical issues on psychological support for young people, career guidance, teaching foreign languages, improving legal culture and legal awareness, fostering a sense of belonging to the fate of the Motherland, patriotism, love for the Motherland and its people, responsibility in educating the younger generation and preserving family values.

Classes within the framework of the training camps are conducted by both qualified staff of the Academy and leading experts from among psychologists, teachers, lawyers, as well as UNICEF experts and volunteers using interactive methods, which contributes to achieving the greatest effect.