Participation in the final event of the OSCE project on capacity building in the fight against cybercrime

Participation in the final event of the OSCE project on capacity building in the fight against cybercrime


Representatives of the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan took part in the final event of the OSCE regional project "Capacity Development to counter Cybercrime in Central Asia (2020-2024)", which took place in Vienna (Austria).

During the event, the participants discussed the results of the first stage of the project, reviewed global trends and best practices in countering cyber threats. Special attention was paid to the development of the potential of specialized educational institutions in the region.

The first deputy head of the Academy, E.V.Kolenko, made a report in which he noted the high results of the project in Uzbekistan. Thus, more than 150 law enforcement officers of the country were trained within the framework of the project, which contributed to increasing the effectiveness of their work in the field of cybercrime investigation. In addition, within the framework of the project, fully equipped computer classrooms and laboratories have been created in specialized educational institutions, including the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

They also took part in a briefing at the European Police College CEPOL in Budapest, where they also got acquainted with advanced training methods in the field of countering cybercrime.

During the final meetings in the OSCE Secretariat, issues of education in the field of countering cybercrime, the development of educational strategies and competencies necessary for modern law enforcement officers were discussed.

Taking into account the positive impact of the project on the development of the capacity of law enforcement agencies in Central Asian countries, it was decided to extend its implementation for another two years. The second stage will be aimed at further building the capacity of educational institutions, strengthening the ability to identify and analyze electronic evidence, improving regional cooperation and raising awareness of cyber threats.

This visit contributed to the strengthening of international cooperation, the exchange of best practices and knowledge in the field of countering cybercrime, and also allowed us to outline further steps to develop the capacity of the country's law enforcement agencies in this area.