Measures for methodical provision of crime prevention activities are being consistently continued

Measures for methodical provision of crime prevention activities are being consistently continued


The working group of the Academy is implementing systematic measures to ensure the activity of internal affairs bodies in the prevention of crimes and violations in the territories of our republic.

The next traveling events are being organized in Bukhara region, studies are being conducted on the criminogenic situation, measures to combat crime and prevent crimes.

In the event organized by the experts of the Academy in cooperation with the prosecutor's office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Bukhara region, investigation, crime prevention, crime investigation, combating terrorism, problems in crime prevention, maintaining public order, probation service and other responsible sectors were studied and analyzed. recommendations were made regarding their solution. was developed

During the interview, the problems related to the stabilization of the criminal situation were discussed with the responsible units of the Regional Intelligence Service, and as a result, suggestions and measures were developed for the improvement of this area.