Uzbekistan strengthens its position in the field of digital forensics

Uzbekistan strengthens its position in the field of digital forensics


The establishment of the Scientific Research Institute of Digital Criminology at the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan has aroused widespread international recognition and interest. Experts from different countries highly appreciated this initiative.

Streltsov Ivan Aleksandrovich, Deputy Head of the Main Department of Criminalistics of the IC of Russia:

- The establishment of the Scientific Research Institute of Digital Forensics is a significant achievement in the field of law enforcement in Uzbekistan. In the context of the rapid development of information technologies and their use for illegal purposes, this institute will play a key role in the development and implementation of innovative methods to counter cybercrime. Your research and development will undoubtedly make a significant contribution to the development of digital forensics not only in Uzbekistan, but also at the international level.

Yuri Kamenetsky, Head of the Institute for Advanced Training of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus:

- The strategic attention paid by the Republic of Uzbekistan to the development of digital forensics deserves high praise. The creation of a specialized institute in this field testifies to an integrated approach to ensuring national security in the digital age. I am confident that the results of scientific research and practical developments of the Institute will serve as a reliable basis for protecting the economy, production and other key areas of society from cyber threats.

Mukhitdin Uzdemir, President of the Turkish Academy of Justice:

- The establishment of the Scientific Research Institute of Digital Forensics is a timely response to the challenges of our time. In the context of global digitalization and the growth of cybercrime, conducting large-scale joint research is of paramount importance. The Turkish Academy of Justice expresses its readiness for active cooperation in the field of scientific research and exchange of experience on digital forensics.

Sami Rukhanen, Head of the Strategic Policing Department of the OSCE:

- The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe welcomes the establishment of the Digital Forensics Research Institute in Uzbekistan. This initiative is fully consistent with the OSCE priorities in the fight against transnational cybercrime. We consider this institute as a potential platform for the development of regional cooperation in Central Asia on digital security issues and are ready to provide comprehensive support in the implementation of joint capacity-building programs in the field of countering cybercrime.

Uzbekistan has once again reaffirmed its commitment to building a society free from cybercrime, where innovative technologies, transparency and efficiency are the cornerstones of law enforcement. The creation of the Institute of Digital Criminology fully embodies these values and serves as an example for other countries in the fight against crimes in the digital sphere.