Holding another environmental event

Holding another environmental event


The Academy systematically conducts activities aimed at protecting nature and ecology, and the formation of ecological culture. Cleaning campaigns, activities aimed at raising environmental awareness of the population, tree planting, etc. are organized locally in cooperation with local authorities.

Representatives and students of the Academy organized another diving marathon in Mirabad and Yakkasai districts of the capital within the framework of activities aimed at protecting nature and the environment, the formation of ecological culture as an integral part of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Plogging is an environmental movement combining running and collecting household waste.

The participants of the marathon were engaged in cleaning the territory from garbage. At the end of the event, more than 100 bags of household waste were collected, and the area was cleaned. Thanks to the activity and discipline of the participants, the event was held at a high level.

Such events contribute not only to improving the environment, but also to improving the ecological culture and literacy of society. The Academy plans to continue holding environmental events and encourages all active young people to join such actions.