Happy Day of Print and Mass Media Workers

Happy Day of Print and Mass Media Workers


The staff of the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan sincerely congratulates the creative and dedicated workers of the mass media on June 27 – the Day of Print and Mass Media Workers.

Undoubtedly, in recent years, the mass media has become an important factor determining the effectiveness of reforms aimed at ensuring the development of our country and the well-being of our people.

Our cooperation with you on the path of ensuring the rule of law and the triumph of justice in our society, strengthening legal culture and legal knowledge is very important and valuable to us.

The staff of the Academy is always open to all creative, objective professionals who are involved in the fate of our country.

Once again, we congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you good health, new achievements in your creative work, happiness, peace, and prosperity in your homes.