Training camps "Youth devoted to the Motherland" in Yunusabad district

Training camps "Youth devoted to the Motherland" in Yunusabad district


The training camp on the theme "Youth devoted to the Motherland", organized by the Law Enforcement Academy according to a program specially developed for women, continues.

Within the framework of this training camp, it is planned to cover more than 1,500 young women from all districts of the capital.

The next training camp was organized in Yunusabad district, and about 100 women from Yunusabad and Shaikhantakhur districts of Tashkent city took part in it.

The program of the training camp covers important tasks aimed at psychological support for young people, career guidance, employment, provision of legal knowledge, the formation of qualities such as patriotism, involvement in the fate of the Motherland, instilling a sense of love for their country and people, caring for the family, raising children.

Classes are conducted not only by qualified specialists of the Academy, but also by well-known psychologists, teachers, lawyers and trainers in our republic using interactive methods. This, in turn, has a positive effect on the effectiveness of the course.

At the training camp, the participants were provided with information about the advantages and opportunities provided by the state for young people in our country in the field of obtaining a profession, education, entrepreneurship, learning foreign languages and other areas.

Within the framework of the training meeting, the problems of each participant are also studied separately on the basis of a questionnaire, as well as practical measures are taken to solve them.

Training camps continue with all the youth of the district.