Participation in the Meeting of Representatives of Regional Networks on Asset Recovery (ARIN)

Participation in the Meeting of Representatives of Regional Networks on Asset Recovery (ARIN)


The Deputy Head of the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, U.U. Nigmadjanov, responsible for the work of the Secretariat of the Interagency Network for Asset Recovery in Western and Central Asia (ARIN-WCA), participated in the meeting of the secretariats and presiding countries of the regional informal networks on asset recovery (ARIN), organized in The Hague (Netherlands) by the Secretariat of the European Network CARIN.

Participants of the event, noting the role of informal asset recovery networks as an important component in the fight against organized crime, discussed issues of enhancing the efficiency of work, the relevance of active interaction between countries in the field of asset recovery, expanding the circle of participating states for effective cooperation and joint problem-solving, defining priority tasks and directions, ensuring the establishment and deepening of professional contacts, and the need for the exchange of new knowledge and experience in this field.

Within the framework of the event, the representative of the Secretariat of the network (Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan) on behalf of ARIN-WCA conducted a presentation about the activities of ARIN-WCA, the work done, and prospective plans. The initiative of ARIN-WCA on the mutual review of legislation and practices of the network's member countries on asset recovery (Peer Review) was separately noted by the participants. Representatives of the ARIN networks were proposed to study this experience of ARIN-WCA and apply it in their activities.

As a result of the meeting, participants identified current issues to be included in the agenda of future discussions, expressed readiness for active cooperation, and further development of relations within the framework of ARIN.