Training on Preparing Academy Students for International Moot Court Competitions

Training on Preparing Academy Students for International Moot Court Competitions


The Law Enforcement Academy, in collaboration with the Regional Dialogue NGO, organized a training session to prepare students for international moot court competitions. The aim of the event was to train and raise awareness among students for participation in international moot court competitions, including the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition.

For reference, the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition is the most prestigious competition in the field of international law. Around 700 teams from law faculties in more than 100 countries will participate in the competition.

The training was attended by Academy students and faculty members responsible for preparing students for this competition. The event was conducted by international expert, Professor Joan Blum of Boston University School of Law, USA.

The event was opened by the First Deputy Head of the Academy, E. Kolenko, and the head of the Regional Dialogue NGO, P. Goryup. The training detailed the history of the competition and the rules for participation, included practical exercises on finding legal solutions to the cases presented in the competition, using electronic information resources, forming and organizing arguments on problematic situations, as well as presenting arguments both orally and in writing.

This training enriched the participants' knowledge in the field of prestigious international competitions and enhanced their skills and potential for participating in them. At the end of the event, participants were awarded certificates.