A conference on "Cooperation in digitalization and law enforcement activities of Turkish states" was held in Baku, Azerbaijan

A conference on "Cooperation in digitalization and law enforcement activities of Turkish states" was held in Baku, Azerbaijan


The conference was attended by representatives of prosecutors' and judges' training and professional development institutions and prosecutor's offices and judicial bodies of Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

The purpose of organizing this conference is to discuss the importance of electronic information technologies in the field of scientific research and training of judges and prosecutors, analysis of civil legislation in Turkish countries and their similarities, implementation and use of electronic information systems in the activities of prosecutor's office and judicial bodies.

Representatives of the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan A.E. Ibraymov on the topic "Mechanisms of introducing the process of training on the basis of electronic information systems in prosecutor's offices: scientifically based practice and efficiency" and Sh.K. Matchanov on the topic "Electronic information systems in the activities of prosecutor's offices of the Republic of Uzbekistan" participated with lectures.

At the conference, the foundation was created for the exchange of experience and strengthening of mutual relations and for further enrichment in the field of introduction and use of electronic information systems in the activities of civil legislation, prosecution and judicial bodies of Turkish states, scientific research and application of electronic information technologies in the field of training of judges and prosecutors.