Announcement of an admission for the Position of Tutor-Specialist

Announcement of an admission for the Position of Tutor-Specialist


An admission is announced for the position of a tutor-specialist in the Department of Spirituality, Enlightenment, and Youth Work at the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan (temporary work on a contractual basis).

About the Academy:

In accordance with the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 28, 2022, No. PF-257 "On the introduction of a qualitatively new system for training qualified personnel in the field of crime investigation," the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan was established on the basis of the Academy of the Prosecutor General's Office.

The main activities of the Academy include the training, retraining, and professional development of personnel in the field of investigation and other areas of law enforcement.

Currently, there is a need to attract a tutor-specialist for the Department of Spirituality, Enlightenment, and Youth Work on a temporary basis.

If the specialist's submitted documents are approved, a bilateral civil law contract will be concluded with them.

Duties of the Tutor:

- Regularly engage in the spiritual, moral, and professional education of students.

- Continuously improve their skills, professional training, theoretical knowledge, and work experience.

- Respect the honor and dignity of students.

- Consider the psychological and individual characteristics, physical and mental health of students, physiological development, and pay attention to creating conditions for the education of persons with physical, mental, sensory (perception), or mental disabilities.

- Create a database of students in tutor groups and submit it to the Department of Youth Work, Spirituality, and Enlightenment.

- Maintain confidentiality of students' personal information without their consent and not disclose it to third parties.

- Coordinate and monitor students' academic, spiritual, and scientific activities.

- Regularly monitor and analyze students' academic performance and attendance.

- Regularly (at least once every two months) visit students' living places (in dormitories, rented housing, with close relatives, and in their own homes), study their living conditions, and take measures to improve them.

- Conduct planned spiritual, educational, and socio-political discussions (at least once a week with groups and at least twice a month with each student), as well as regularly communicate with students' parents.

- Organize and conduct "Information and Mentoring Hours," "soft skills" training sessions, and ensure their effectiveness.

- Create and maintain individual portfolios of students in tutor groups, keep a journal of "Tutor Hours" lessons and planned events.

- Regularly meet with students' parents, inform them about their behavior and compliance with internal rules.

- Familiarize students and their parents or other legal representatives with internal regulations, dormitory rules, and other normative documents regulating educational activities.

- Immediately inform the Academy administration of emergency problematic situations related to students.

- Regularly conduct awareness-raising work among students to prevent offenses, crime, and religious extremism with the participation of specialists in this field.

- Organize preventive work on the harmful consequences of alcohol, tobacco, and psychotropic substance consumption.

- Identify students in need of material assistance and make proposals to the administration for their social support.

- Monitor students' compliance with internal rules and other local acts, and make proposals to the Department of Youth Work, Spirituality, and Enlightenment on measures to be taken against students who violate these documents.

- Organize the work of clubs and circles for which they are responsible, maximize students' participation in these circles, and monitor their activity.

Candidate Requirements:

- Higher education (preference given to those with academic degrees and titles).

- Age between 25 and 55 years (for women, up to 50 years).

- At least 2 years of work experience in teaching and psychological, educational, methodological, and managerial activities in the education system, as well as in the field of youth issues and spiritual and educational activities.

- Not deprived of the right to teach according to legislative acts.

- Possess personal qualities such as politeness, culture, creativity, patriotism, initiative, responsibility, and the ability to work independently.

- Employment is carried out in the manner prescribed by the Academy's local acts and by order of the Academy's head.

- Duration of work: This work is planned for 10 months, with the possibility of further employment at the Academy on a civil labor contract basis if necessary.

- The amount of payment for the work performed is determined by mutual agreement of the parties and paid to the candidate based on the results of the work performed.

- Requirements: Initiative, ability to work in a team, timely completion of assigned tasks.

- Working hours are 40 hours per week, with a five-day work schedule.

Candidates must personally visit the Academy and submit the relevant documents (passport or ID card, resume, diploma of higher education and its supplement, a copy of the work book, STIIN certificate). After reviewing the submitted documents, if necessary, an interview will be conducted with the candidate.

Application deadline: August 19, 2024.

Address: Tashkent, Yunusabad district, Rikhsi Street, 9.

Phone: 97-463-77-87.