Competition for the Best Anti-Corruption Project "Youth Anti-Corruption Initiative"

Competition for the Best Anti-Corruption Project "Youth Anti-Corruption Initiative"


Applications are now being accepted for the competition for the best project "Youth Anti-Corruption Initiative" among undergraduate students of the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The goal of the competition is to stimulate and support creative thinking and initiative among students in the field of combating corruption. The competition provides students with the opportunity to deeply explore the problem of corruption, develop innovative ideas and proposals for counteraction, as well as demonstrate their knowledge and skills in project management.

The event is aimed at developing creative thinking, effective teamwork, and creating a platform for the exchange of ideas, skills, and experience.

The competition is open to undergraduate students of the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Both individual students and teams may participate in the competition. An important condition for participation is the proper preparation of the project application, the ability to analytically substantiate the proposal, as well as a strong interest and motivation to resolve the problem.

The project themes may include, but are not limited to, the following aspects:

  • Promoting ethical norms and values in society to reduce the likelihood of corruption.
  • Utilizing modern information technologies and innovative approaches to prevent corruption.
  • Educating and raising awareness about the consequences of corruption and methods of counteracting and fighting it.
  • Developing proposals for improving legal frameworks and mechanisms in the field of anti-corruption.

Students wishing to participate in the competition must submit their project applications by August 20, 2024. Only applications received before the deadline will be considered.

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