A special examination for obtaining academic titles was held at the Academy

A special examination for obtaining academic titles was held at the Academy

The Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan conducted an examination for obtaining the academic titles of professor and associate professor in the discipline “Scientific Foundations and Practical Directions for Improving the System of State and Public Administration, the Rule of Law, Economic Development and Liberalization, and Social Development”.

The examination was conducted by a commission consisting of scholars and experts with extensive scientific and practical experience in state and public administration, education and science, law enforcement, and economics.

During the examination, the candidates’ knowledge and skills were assessed in relation to the implementation of the New Uzbekistan Development Strategy for 2022–2026, the “Uzbekistan-2030” Strategy, the Concept for Science Development until 2030, as well as the content and essence of the reforms being carried out in the country.

Candidates who successfully passed the examination were awarded certificates of the established format.