The Law Enforcement Academy announces a competition for the position of Artificial Intelligence Specialist (temporary contract-based position)

The Law Enforcement Academy announces a competition for the position of Artificial Intelligence Specialist (temporary contract-based position)

The Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan was established in accordance with the Presidential Decree No. PD-257 dated November 28, 2022, “On the Introduction of a Qualitatively New System of Training Qualified Personnel in the Field of Crime Investigation.”

According to the decree, the main areas of activity of the Academy include:

providing advanced targeted basic training for specialists in the field of crime investigation by implementing an effective system for developing high moral, psychological, analytical, and professional qualities in students, combined with a culture of unconditional respect for human rights and freedoms.

training, retraining, and professional development of personnel in the field of investigation and other areas of law enforcement based on programs aimed at forming and developing specific professional competencies and conveying the essence and content of reforms in the judicial and legal system.

establishing a system of professional development and retraining of employees of state bodies and other organizations based on specialized training programs in the field of combating corruption and money laundering.

introducing interactive teaching methods into the educational process to develop skills for independent handling of criminal cases, based on effectively determining the methodology and tactics of crime investigation.

establishing a unified system of training, retraining, and professional development for prosecutors aimed at forming and strengthening their knowledge and skills, including systematic analysis, critical thinking, a high sense of justice, and responsibility for ensuring legality, etc.

Current Need: The Academy is seeking a specialist in artificial intelligence on a temporary basis. Upon approval of the submitted documents, a bilateral civil-law agreement will be concluded between the specialist and the Academy.

Responsibilities of the Specialist:

The Artificial Intelligence Specialist will be responsible for the following tasks:

Developing and implementing artificial intelligence projects at the Academy as directed by the Academy's leadership and providing the following services (hereinafter referred to as “services”) in accordance with the work schedule attached to the contract, aimed at forming AI skills in the Academy's staff and students:

developing a draft concept for expanding the use of artificial intelligence in the Academy, discussing and agreeing on proposals for this concept with relevant structural divisions of the Academy, and submitting them for approval to the Academy's leadership.

organizing short-term training sessions to form and develop AI usage skills among the Academy's staff.

organizing the implementation of artificial intelligence capabilities in educational, research, and analytical activities using the example of the Department of Operational Investigations and Cyber Law of the Academy.

preparing educational, methodological, and scientific guides, as well as presentations related to the use of artificial intelligence in the Academy’s educational process.

preparing projects to expand the scope of artificial intelligence in the Academy and establishing cooperation with national and international institutions and experts in the field of artificial intelligence.

Candidate Requirements:

A document certifying qualifications in artificial intelligence (certificate).

At least two years of work experience in the field of artificial intelligence.

Proficiency in Uzbek, Russian, and English languages.

The work duration is set for 2 (two) months, with the possibility of further employment at the Academy under a labor contract if needed.

The payment for the completed work will be determined by mutual agreement between the parties and will be based on the results of the work performed.

Requirements: Initiative, teamwork skills, and timely completion of assigned tasks.

The work schedule is 40 hours per week with a 5-day workweek.

Document Submission:

Candidates must personally visit the Academy’s HR Department with a passport or ID card and submit the necessary documents (identity document, resume, higher education diploma and its attachment, a copy of the work record book, and a SSTR certificate). After reviewing the submitted documents, if necessary, an interview will be conducted with the candidate by a commission.

Deadline for document submission: February 1, 2025.