The Law Enforcement Academy is the sole specialized higher education and research institution responsible for training qualified personnel for state bodies with the authority to carry out prosecution, investigation, and inquiry activities. It conducts its activities in an open and transparent manner, regularly organizing events and meetings for the public.
On January 16, an Open Day was held for graduates of secondary general education schools in Tashkent city, coinciding with the upcoming admission to the Academy’s undergraduate program in "Investigative Activities."
A presentation was organized for the participants, providing detailed information on the specifics and advantages of admission to the Academy's undergraduate program and the organization of the educational process.
An excursion was arranged at the Academy's educational buildings, where guests were introduced to the modern educational infrastructure.
The guests visited various specialized rooms equipped for practical and situational training, including the criminology room, courtroom simulation room, Information Resource Center, coworking center, expertise laboratory, shooting range, and other specially equipped rooms for practical exercises.
The participants were given comprehensive information about the educational opportunities at the Academy, the entrance exams, and the facilities available to students.
In particular, it was explained that certain categories of applicants to the Academy do not benefit from the privileges provided by legislation for entering other higher education institutions in the country.
Academy graduates, upon admission to relevant state bodies, are assigned to positions that fall under the officer category or those that involve the awarding of a rank or title.
The participants received detailed answers to their questions regarding the admission process and the organization of educational activities at the Academy.
Holding Open Days at the Academy has become a good tradition, and such events are organized systematically.