


On the defense of the dissertation work for the degree of Doctor of Ph…

calendar28 November 2023 eye1602

On December 15, 2023 at 14:00 at the meeting of the Scientific Council DSc. 31/31.12.2020.Yu.67.01 at the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the defense of the dissertation work fo…

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On the defense of the dissertation work for the degree of Doctor of Ph…

calendar28 November 2023 eye1511

On December 15, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. at the meeting of the Scientific Council DSc. 31/31.12.2020.Yu.67.01 at the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the defense of the dissertation wo…

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Practical workshops are ongoing

calendar27 November 2023 eye1431

In order to form and develop the knowledge, skills and qualifications of the Law Enforcement Academy, practical trainings are conducted on a systematic basis.

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Works carried out in the execution of the nationwide project "Green Sp…

calendar25 November 2023 eye1755

As part of the "Green Space" nationwide project, landscaping works are being carried out in our country during the autumn tree planting season.

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A training course was held for investigators of the prosecutor's offic…

calendar24 November 2023 eye1446

A training course was held at the academy on the topic of "Increasing the efficiency of using modern criminalistic technical tools in the conduct of investigative actions on criminal cases" with the p…

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A roundtable discussion was held on issues of ensuring legality in jud…

calendar24 November 2023 eye1407

The Academy organized a roundtable discussion on "Ensuring legality in judicial-investigative activities" with the participation of representatives of the General Prosecutor's Office, judges of the Ta…

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The science

Choosing a scientific journal to publish a scientific article

calendar23 November 2023 eye1515

At the Academy, within the framework of the "Scientific Hour", the head of the Center for Analytical and Scientific Information Services of E-line press LLC, F.Shodmanova, organized a training seminar…

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ANNOUNCEMENT International Scientific and Practical Conference

calendar23 November 2023 eye1709

On December 1-2, 2023, an international conference will be held on the occasion of the anniversary of the founding of the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the topic: "Legal edu…

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Training course on human rights protection

calendar21 November 2023 eye1190

In cooperation with the National Center of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights at the Law Enforcement Academy, a short-term training course on the topic "International standards of observance …

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The international cooperation

Visit of representatives of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation to …

calendar20 November 2023 eye1167

The delegation headed by Jason Beachy, Assistant Director of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation for International Legal Affairs, visited to the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekista…

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