


About the defense of the dissertation work for the degree of Doctor of…

calendar15 November 2023 eye1700

On November 27, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. at the meeting of the Scientific Council DSc. 31/31.12.2020.Yu.67.01 under the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the defense of the dissertation…

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Crime Prevention

In the regions, a series of mobile seminars are being conducted

calendar14 November 2023 eye908

The Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan is hosting mobile seminars to help employees of regional internal affairs agencies, prosecutor's offices, and National Guard units enhance the…

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In a secular state, paying attention to forefathers' spiritual heritag…

calendar14 November 2023 eye688

In the fifth priority direction of Uzbekistan's development strategy for 2022-2026, special attention was paid to ensuring spiritual development and bringing the industry to a new level. It stipulates…

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The science

There was a seminar-training on using global information resources

calendar14 November 2023 eye777

F.Shodmanova, the director of "E-LINE PRESS" LLC's Analytical and Scientific Information Services Center, led the next seminar-training on "The main possibilities of the Web of Science platform for sc…

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Crime Prevention

Seminars were held on crime prevention issues

calendar10 November 2023 eye1048

The Center for Scientific and Practical Research of Law Enforcement Activities of the Academy, in cooperation with the authorities, organized training seminars aimed at preventing crime for the office…

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Mobile educational-practical training was held

calendar10 November 2023 eye1030

In the framework of the training module "Actual problems in the investigation of corruption and economic crimes" for master's degree students, a mobile training-practical training was held at the Depa…

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A workshop on human rights was held

calendar09 November 2023 eye1143

I.M. Marksov, Prosecutor of the Department of Protection of Citizens' Rights and Freedoms of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan, conducted a master class for undergraduate s…

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Educational and practical trainings are held for undergraduate student…

calendar09 November 2023 eye1009

For students of the "Prosecutor activity" specialty of the Academy, within the framework of the "Ethics and Aesthetics" educational module, training and practical trainings are regularly held, combini…

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A quiz was held on the topic "Expert of Criminology and Forensic Exper…

calendar09 November 2023 eye1049

A quiz was held at the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan on "Knowledge of Criminology and Forensic Expertise".

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A refresher course was conducted for the staff of the Prosecutor's Off…

calendar09 November 2023 eye981

The Law Enforcement Academy conducted a refresher course for assistants of district (city) and equivalent prosecutors on the topic: "Issues of ensuring the inviolability of property when considering a…

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