


The collective of the Law Enforcement Academy is an active participant…

calendar29 March 2024 eye1122

Employees and students of the Law Enforcement Academy actively participate in activities aimed at ensuring environmental safety, improving the environmental situation, rational use of natural resource…

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Interagency cooperation

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan – He…

calendar29 March 2024 eye1030

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs – Head of the Investigation Department R. Ashrapov visited the Law Enforcement Academy.

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The victory of the Academy team in the qualifying round of the interna…

calendar29 March 2024 eye1129

According to the results of the qualifying round of the XXV anniversary Competition in International Humanitarian Law named after F.F.Martens, the Phoenix team of the Law Enforcement Academy of the Re…

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Academy student won the karate competition

calendar27 March 2024 eye756

Competitions  are being organized in the Academy to popularize a healthy lifestyle and increase interest in sports.

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Cybercrime Investigation Masterclass

calendar27 March 2024 eye773

Mark Carroll, the former head of the Cyber Terrorism Investigation Unit of the UK Crown Prosecution Service's Counter-Terrorism Office, and Matthew Willmore, an employee of the Counter-Terrorism Unit …

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"Sport is an ambassador of peace and friendship" the next meeting was …

calendar26 March 2024 eye838

Another meeting was held at the Law Enforcement Academy under the motto "Sports - ambassador of peace and friendship" with the participation of a famous athlete in order to increase the interest of st…

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A professional retraining course was organized with the participation …

calendar26 March 2024 eye773

Within the framework of the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the introduction of a qualitatively new system of training qualified personnel in the field …

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Students of the Academy are participating in contest

calendar25 March 2024 eye742

Various contests and competitions are held in our country to provide opportunities for young people to showcase their abilities in culture, art, and other creative sectors, to broaden their spiritual …

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Cybercrime Prosecution Training

calendar25 March 2024 eye788

The Law Enforcement of the Republic of Uzbekistan conducted training sessions for investigators from the General Prosecutor's Office, the State Security Service, and internal affairs authorities. The …

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Congratulations on the Navruz holiday!

calendar20 March 2024 eye1120

May the world be blessed with Navruz, the day of spring and renewal!

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