

The international cooperation

Issues of mutual cooperation were discussed with the University of Gd…

calendar01 March 2024 eye1507

A working meeting was held at the Law Enforcement Academy with the Deputy Dean for International Cooperation of the Faculty of Law and Management of the University of Gdansk (Poland), Professor Edvard…

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A meeting was held under the slogan "Sport is the key to health"

calendar29 February 2024 eye1534

In order to increase the interest of students and listeners in sports, the widespread introduction of a healthy lifestyle, the development of physical culture and sports, a meeting was held at the Law…

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The science

The next qualification exam for basic doctoral students and independen…

calendar29 February 2024 eye1200

The Law Enforcement Academy conducted a qualification exam in the specialty and a foreign language for basic doctoral students and independent applicants of the Academy.

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A master class in search and seizure tactics

calendar29 February 2024 eye1296

The chief expert of the Department of Digital Expertises of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan A. Kahramanov conducted a master class on "Search and Seizure Tactics" for un…

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1 day before the end of admission to the direction of "investigative a…

calendar29 February 2024 eye3251

At the Academy of law enforcement for the academic year 2024/2025, 1 day are left before the end of admission to the direction of Undergraduate Education "investigative activities", which began on Feb…

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On the way to the methodical provision of the prosecutor's control ove…

calendar28 February 2024 eye1108

The Law Enforcement Academy has prepared a training manual entitled "Juvenile Justice".

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2 days before the end of admission to the direction of "investigative …

calendar28 February 2024 eye1671

At the Academy of law enforcement for the academic year 2024/2025, 2 days are left before the end of admission to the direction of Undergraduate Education "investigative activities", which began on Fe…

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"Zakovat," an intellectual game, was participated in.

calendar27 February 2024 eye1051

Systematic efforts aimed at enhancing the spiritual and intellectual capacities of students and listeners are being implemented within the framework of educational processes by the academy.

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The science

The selection process for independent researchers has been completed

calendar27 February 2024 eye878

Interviews were conducted with applicants for admission to independent research for the first stage of the current year at  the  Law Enforcement Academy of Republic of Uzbekistan.

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3 days before the end of admission to the direction of "investigative …

calendar27 February 2024 eye2218

At the Academy of law enforcement for the academic year 2024/2025, 3 days are left before the end of admission to the direction of Undergraduate Education "investigative activities", which began on Fe…

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