

The science

Visit of students to the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan

calendar08 February 2024 eye1427

With the aim of enhancing the political culture of youth and their awareness of political processes, students of the Academy visited the Executive Committee of the Political Council of the Liberal Dem…

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A football tournament was held

calendar07 February 2024 eye1535

A football tournament among undergraduate students of the Academy was held at the Law Enforcement Academy as part of the Students' League.

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Admission to the Bachelor's degree of the Academy continues

calendar06 February 2024 eye2509

Admission to the Bachelor's degree of the Law Enforcement Academy in the field of Investigative activities for the 2024/2025 academic year continues.

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A spiritual and educational event was held at the academy

calendar06 February 2024 eye1341

At the Academy, special attention is paid to improving professional and business skills, training mature, honest, loyal and highly responsible employees based on the principle of "For Human Value".

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The international cooperation

The project discussion on road traffic safety issues took place

calendar01 February 2024 eye1521

At the Academy, a meeting was held with the experts of the World Bank Uzbekistan, M.Bustoni, N.Isabaeva, and experts from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) O.Manabu and Y.Nishida on ro…

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Seminar-training on the methodology of scientific research

calendar31 January 2024 eye1649

The Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan held a seminar-training within the "Methodology of Scientific Research" module of the master's program.

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Representatives of the Academy participated in the ecological marathon

calendar31 January 2024 eye1325

In addition to scientific and educational activities, the Law Enforcement Academy is actively participating in public works, including environmental initiatives. Representatives of the Academy partici…

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On the defense of the dissertation work of doctor of Philosophy (PhD) …

calendar30 January 2024 eye1533

Mamanov Sardorjon Sobir ugli defended his dissertation, written in the specialty" 12.00.12-"Problems of corruption (Legal Sciences)" to obtain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in legal Science…

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About the defense of the dissertation by Dovudova Dilzoda Sulaymanovna…

calendar30 January 2024 eye1701

Defense of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Legal Sciences (DSc) by Dilzoda Sulaymanovna Dovudova will take place on February 6, 2024 at 14:30 at the meeting of the Scientific Council DSc.…

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The scientific and practical conference discussed current issues of ci…

calendar29 January 2024 eye1560

An international scientific and practical conference on the topic "Current Issues of Civil Procedural Law" has been organized at the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

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