


Students' visit to the museum was organized.

calendar21 February 2024 eye1163

The visit of students to the museum was organized to enhance their understanding of national identity and interest in history, as well as to foster a sense of respect for the national heritage and his…

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A mobile training session is being organized for graduate students of …

calendar21 February 2024 eye981

Within the framework of the "National System of Human Rights Protection" module, a field training session was held with the Human Rights Representative (Ombudsman) of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic o…

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An event promoting a healthy lifestyle has been organized.

calendar19 February 2024 eye1092

At the Law Enforcement Academy, a round table discussion was organized with the participation of students on the topic: "Protecting our youth from drug addiction."

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International seminar on fighting corruption and the secret economy

calendar19 February 2024 eye1305

At the Law Enforcement Academy, jointly with the UN Office on Drugs and Crime in Central Asia and the Embassy of Great Britain in Uzbekistan, "Practical Anti-Corruption Policy" was organized at the se…

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Binary workshop on children's rights

calendar16 February 2024 eye1275

A binary master class on the national system of protection of children's rights was held for undergraduate students at the Law Enforcement Academy.

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Open Day at the Law Enforcement Academy

calendar15 February 2024 eye1682

By the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 28, 2022, No. PF-257 "On the introduction of a qualitatively new system of training qualified personnel in the field of crim…

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The international cooperation

Meetings were held on the study of corruption problems

calendar12 February 2024 eye1188

At the Law Enforcement Academy, with the support of the NGO Regional Dialogue, working meetings were held with the Executive Director of Besa Global, co-head of the Corruption, Justice and Legitimacy …

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A series of events with the participation of young people was held in …

calendar09 February 2024 eye1229

The staff of the Academy, in cooperation with local prosecutor's offices, the Agency for Youth Affairs, organized a series of meetings with young people in all regions of the country.

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The Academy organized a poetry evening dedicated to the birthday of Al…

calendar09 February 2024 eye1341

The Academy organized a poetry evening dedicated to the 583rd anniversary of the birth of the great Uzbek poet Alisher Navoi. The participation of scientists engaged in the study of Navoi's creativity…

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Open classes have been organized on the essence of the rules of academ…

calendar09 February 2024 eye1759

The Law Enforcement Academy carries out systematic work to ensure academic integrity and prevent plagiarism in the works performed by students and listeners (types of control, analytical document, art…

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