

The science

An interdepartmental discussion of the next dissertation work was held

calendar10 October 2023 eye1164

Т.Safarov, an independent researcher at the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, defended his dissertation titled "12.00.12 - Problems of Corruption (legal sciences)" on the subject …

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A roundtable discussion on the battle against corruption was held

calendar09 October 2023 eye921

A roundtable discussion on the topic of preventing corruption in the public service was held by the Academy at the Plant Quarantine and Protection Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Repub…

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Masterclass with the participation of a labor law practitioner

calendar09 October 2023 eye896

The Academy, in cooperation with the Ministry of Poverty Reduction and Employment of the Republic of Uzbekistan, held a master class on the topic of "Concept of employment contract, basics of terminat…

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The international cooperation

Participated in the international scientific and practical seminar on …

calendar06 October 2023 eye1177

The 2nd annual international conference on the theme "Departmental re-professional education: problems and prospects" was attended by representatives from the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic o…

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Announcement of admission to the Master's program of the Academy on th…

calendar05 October 2023 eye3432

Candidates who took part in the competition for the following specialties of the Master's degree of the Academy:

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A regular seminar on anti-corruption issues was held

calendar05 October 2023 eye1283

The Academy organized a seminar in the joint-stock commercial bank "Uzpromstroybank" on the topic: "Management system for combating corruption in commercial banks".

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Participation in the Republican scientific and practical conference

calendar04 October 2023 eye1326

Representatives of the Academy took part in the republican scientific and practical conference on topical issues of spiritual and educational activities in non-governmental educational institutions, o…

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The science

Discussion of the dissertation work within the scientific hour

calendar03 October 2023 eye1312

As part of the scientific hour, the presentation of the main results of the dissertation work submitted for the degree of Doctor of Law (DSc), an independent applicant of the Law Enforcement Academy o…

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October 1 – Teachers' and Mentors' Day

calendar29 September 2023 eye1875

We sincerely congratulate teachers and mentors on their professional holiday! On this day we express our most sincere and kind wishes to you. We are proud of you and appreciate your noble work. We …

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A training course is being held at the Academy on issues of investigat…

calendar29 September 2023 eye1539

A training course on "Organization of investigation in internal affairs bodies" was organized in the law enforcement academy in a mixed format for investigators of internal affairs bodies.

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